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Novel Coronavirus (nCOV), Monolaurin and Coconut Oil

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Monolaurin is one of the very few antivirals which have been found to kill the corona virus. The C12 Lauric Acid of coconut oil is metabolized into monolaurin in the body (this is an established fact by the clinical study of Dr. Conrado Dayrit and DOH in 1998).

Almost 50% of coconut oil is composed of a 12 carbon chain fat called lauric acid. When you take coconut oil, the lauric acid is metabolized to a molecule called “Monolaurin”.

Monolaurin is one of the very few antivirals which have been found to kill the corona virus (see slide below). And the C12 Lauric Acid of coconut oil is metabolized into monolaurin in the body (this is an established fact by the clinical study of Dr. Conrado Dayrit and DOH in 1998).

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The anti-microbial and anti-viral properties of Monolaurin is so potent that it even deactivates and kills the HIV virus. In 1998, the team of Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit, one of the founders of Philippine Heart Center and former Secretary of the Department of Health, conducted the first clinical trial on HIV treatment with coconut oil and monolaurin on fifteen HIV-infected patients.

From Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit:
“This initial trial confirmed the anecdotal reports that coconut oil does have an antiviral effect and can beneficially reduce the viral load of HIV patients. The positive antiviral action was seen not only with the monoglyceride of lauric acid but with coconut oil itself. This indicates that coconut oil must be metabolized to monoglyceride or free forms of C8, C10, C12, and C14 to which it must owe its anti-pathogenic activity.” (The Truth About Coconut Oil: The Drugstore in a Bottle”

To give your body the maximum protection against the pathogenic microorganisms, take at least 3 tablespoons (45 mL) of coconut oil a day.

Although, there is no study done yet for nCOV, Monolaurin and coconut oil.

However, since it is the human body’s immune system which defends and fights against viruses and Monolaurin is one of the most potent antivirals, it will be important to increase use of coconut oil TO BOOST OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM with:

✔️Coconut Cooking Oil
✔️Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
✔️Coconut milk
✔️Dessicated coconut
✔️Or just eat the whole coconut


For the real time data on the spread of nCOV, go to this link:…/opsdashboa…/index.html…