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The Little Swallow visits Shelter of Hope

Soh Oct2019

The Little Swallow (TLSI) spent time with the children at the Silungan ng Pag-asa in Paco, Manila–a halfway house where cancer-afflicted children from faraway provinces can safely stay while they need their treatments and follow-up at PGH & other hospitals.

The Little Swallow (TLSI) spent time with the children at the Silungan ng Pag-asa in Paco, Manila–a halfway house where cancer-afflicted children from faraway provinces can safely stay while they need their treatments and follow-up at PGH & other hospitals.

Many of the indigent pediatric patients & their guardians coming from as far as Visayas & Mindanao are financially tight. They cannot afford to rent a place or stay even at the cheapest inn that they end up sleeping under the trees.

With Silungan ng Pag-asa, Bahay Aruga (another halfway house in Manila), they now have decent places strategically situated near the hospitals where they seek treatment.

We (Little Swallow volunteers) distributed some consumable goods, groceries, and healthy lunch (cheesy baked potatoes, chopsuey, boiled eggs, and oranges) for the patients and their parents. We spent time and bonded with the children & their parents. Four of the children rendered an interpretative dance to express their appreciation.

For those who wish to visit and extend help, you may go directly at Silungan ng Pag-asa (Shelter of Hope) located at 1406 Paz St. Corner San Gregorio St. Paco Manila, Philippines.

If you need further info or assistance, feel free to contact us at: or visit

Jam Gonzales
TLSI volunteer
Oct. 18, 2019