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Little Swallow went back to National Children’s Hospital

Today, Little Swallow went back to National Children’s Hospital and brought our 2nd batch of goods for the month of May for the kids. We also extended financial assistance to some pediatric patients (on behalf of some kind hearted donors).

The assistance we have extended is hardly enough as there are currently 190 pediatric patients in this hospital–90% of them are indigents.

Most of these children need help. In addition to their medical conditions, many of them are malnourished. (PediaSure or IgCo & other food supplements will be much appreciated.)

Also, there are medical procedures & medicines that NCH is not able to provide (e.g. hydra scan, anti-seizure meds, etc.). Financial assistance for the pediatric patients of NCH are welcome.

For those of you who can, please visit the children @ NCH and talk to the Social Service officers of the said hospital directly. Our sick children and their parents will surely appreciate your help.
Otherwise, please let us know how we can help you help these children.

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