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A Loving Home for Every Child

The 16-year old boy, Eloi France Gabrentina has inborn congenital hip ectopy. In layman’s term, this means one of his kidneys is flat and was not functioning. He underwent kidney transplant in 2006 due to CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). And in May 2011, biopsy was required to check a tiny piece of his kidney tissue for malignancy.

The family’s financial deficiency delayed the biopsy until today. Eloi’s Father is a construction worker while his mother is a full-time housewife. He is the eldest among four children.

HanCole responded to the funds solicitation of SWD, NKTI for the biopsy of Eloi. On February 15, 2012, HanCole, represented by Lala and Mariel handed over to SWD the company’s contribution for Eloi’s biopsy. They met Ms. Lanie Banotan, another SWD staff and Eloi’s mother. Unfortunately they were unable to meet Eloi himself, who was in school at that time. According to his mother, he cannot afford to absent himself from school as he is reserving his leave for his biopsy. Moreso, the 1st year High school student is running for honors this semester. Eloi’s mother extended her heartfelt gratitude to HanCole for the unexpected funds she received to make way to her son’s treatment.


