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US nutritionists call for dietary guideline limits on saturated fat intake to be lifted


Coco sector upbeat on VCO potential to fight Covid-19

Coconut industry stakeholders are upbeat on recent trials that show coconut oil has strong potential in fighting Covid-19, as this may provide a much-needed boost to the industry where the country has an advantage. Marco Reyes, vice chairman of…

DOST study bolsters VCO capacity vs COVID-19

MANILA, Philippines — A study funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) has shown supporting evidence that bolsters the capacity of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to fight the coronavirus disease.Dr. Jaime Montoya, executive director of the DOST-Philippine…

“Does Coconut Oil Go Bad? By Daniel Lews of Kitchen Ambition”

Does Coconut Oil Go Bad? Coconut oil makes up 2.5% of global vegetable oil production. About 90% of that supply being produced by the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community. It is traditionally used for sautéing and frying, though western kitchens…

Potential of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
The Philippine Vodka “Lambanog”: Facts & Misconceptions

Coconut wine or Lambanog, dubbed as the Philippine Vodka, is natural and chemical-free alcoholic liquor obtained from distillation of naturally fermented coconut sap. It is known for its high alcohol content and potency. It contains a minimum of 30%…

Coconut Tree now source of Ethyl Alcohol

The tree of life just keeps on giving as the coconut tree can now be the source of ethyl alcohol for sanitizers and disinfectants. This, after lawyer Anthony C. Manguiat, President of Philippine Craft Distillers, Inc. (PCDI),  presented to…


“COCO-KWENTUHAN”- COCONUT WEBINAR SERIES Lets talk about Coconut! with a theme: STRENGTHENING THE SUPPLY VALUE CHAIN IN THE COCONUT INDUSTRY through Zoom Video Conference on AUGUST 24-28, 2020 every 9:00am to 12:00nn. If you would like to join us…

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